01-07 tot 31-07: Nicolas Arati
Nicolas ARATI. Visual Art of Awakening.
Nicolas Arati’s artistic work may be called ‘the Art of Silence’, vibrating and in tune with the Source of Life as a whole. The exploration of silence, as a pure state of consciousness, makes up an integral part of Arati’s creative workmanship. That’s the reason why Arati has taken up spirituality as the main subject of his work. To express spirituality, he initially and by instinct gave preference to forms such as circles, squares and spirals.
Later on, he got acquainted with sacral geometry, a philosophical territory which is now playing a key role in his work, and of which the so-called ‘Flower of Life’ is a striking example. The Flower symbolizes Eternity and was well-known as such in antiquity all over the world.
Arati’s artistic work balances on the watershed between the pictorial and the sculptural arts. His ‘reliefs’ are made up of wall-paper in several layers which gives the artist the opportunity of wandering away from the traditional rectangular shape, and replacing it by circles, variations of the cross, kimono-like garments and elongated banners.
In the middle of his artefacts, Arati likes to position an energetic centre, which should draw the spectator’s attention towards the artist’s centre, the subtle Source of his existence.
To put it briefly, Arati is one of those artists who in several ways are trying to give expression of their contact with the Source of Silence which is present deep inside each human being.