Our Lady St Peter’s Church

Our Lady St Peter’s Church is a place that has radiated calm and spirituality for many centuries. As a purely Baroque church, its architecture contributes strongly to this sense of peace.
The old, medieval church attached to St Peter’s Abbey suffered greatly during the iconoclasm of the 16th century, and so it was decided to build a new church at the beginning of the 17th century, entirely in the spirit of the Counter-Reformation.
Our Lady St Peter’s Church is considered one of architect Pieter Huyssens’ masterpieces, and is a highlight of Baroque architecture in the Southern Netherlands.

In one word: Pristine

History of a church

History of a place




Open from 10.00 am to 5.00 pm (Tuesday to Sunday)

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Bierens, Leon, Een goede orgel wel zaemengesteld. Het Pierre Van Peteghem-orgel, Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-Sint-Pieterskerk, Parochie O.L.V.-Sint-Pieterskerk Gent (ed.), Gent, 1997.

Bierens, Leon, Mozart in Gent, wandeling door de achttiende eeuw, Stuurgroep Van Peteghem Orgel (ed.), Gent, 2006.

Claes, Jo, De Vele Gedaantes van Maria, Leuven, 2011: p. 131.

Declercq, Georges, Ganda en Blandinium. De Gentse abdijen van Sint-Pieters en Sint-Baafs, Gent, 1997.

De Meyer, R., Onverklaarbare pracht van Ionisch wit en goud, een eerbetoon aan de Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-Sint-Pieterskerk, Gent, 2009.

De Schepper, A., Kunstpatrimonium Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-Sint-Pieterskerk, Kerkfabriek O.L.V.-Sint-Pieterskerk Gent (ed.), Gent, 1983.

Dhanens, Elisabeth, De Ring van Sint-Dunstan. De voormalige Sint-Pietersabdijkerk en haar kunstpatrimonium, Gent, 2003.

Gaublomme, D. en Van de Wiele, J., De Sint-Pieters abdij in Gent (Openbaar Kunstbezit in Vlaanderen), 1999.

Laleman, Marie Christine, De Sint-Pietersabdij te Gent, 1992.

Stuurgroep Van Peteghem Orgel (ed.), Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-Sint-Pieterskerk in Gent, Gent, 2007.

Vande Loock, Harko, De Onze-Lieve-Vrouw-Sint-Pieterskerk – Gids voor de bezoeker, Gent, 2012.

Folder “Je hoeft niet naar Rome voor het Sint-Pietersplein”

Folder “Het Van Peteghem-orgel”

Theodore Van Thulden (1606-1669 or 1676) enhances the unity of this space and its religious function with three pieces in the style of Rubens, the grand master of Baroque painting. The Triumph of the Church, the Glorification of the Eucharist and the Triumph of the Eucharist illustrate religious convictions during the Counter-Reformation.

The alcoves above the main altar feature the work of the 18th-century painter Jan Van Doorselaer. In addition to the ‘Last Supper’ and the ‘Resurrection’, he depicted ten episodes from the life of Saint Peter, the patron saint of the former abbey and church.

The dome of Our Lady of St Peter's Church is a point of reference on the skyline of Ghent’s towers and forms a harmonious final chord in the Baroque concerto offered to us by the building’s stately architecture. Inside, the dome makes the sunlight dance on all the treasures harboured by this church.

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